Friday, July 31, 2009


First, an Elliotte update...
I had my 36 week ultrasound and doctor's apt. yesterday morning. Elliotte is estimated to weigh somewhere around 7 1/2 pounds! She's a big girl already! I feel like she's a long baby too since her head is way down in my pelvis, and her butt is still pretty high up. She was practicing her breathing on the US, so she's getting ready. She was completely healthy. Her heart and kidneys looked great. I am almost 3cm dilated and about 80% effaced which is great for 36 weeks. Still, my OB doesn't think I'll go into labor on my own. At my next apt on Thursday, we will schedule an induction for 39 weeks which will be around Aug. 19th. So there is an end in sight! I really hope she comes on her own before then, but I'll take whatever I can get. My OB said she would not let me labor for too long since we know she will be big. The second it looks like she's not coming out easily, she will take me for a C-section. Bless Dr. Haney. Love her.
Sorry I don't have any US pics. When the baby is that big, there's just not much to see. She wouldn't show us her face, of course. Being stubborn again.

Now, a Ben update...
He got an email yesterday saying that he was on the "Eligibility Register" for the Metro EMT position. This means he is on the list that they will pull from when they hire. This is GREAT news!! We know nothing more than that. Metro likes to keep you guessing. Ben was told when he took the last test that the next step would be a background check, drug test, and driving record check. He'll pass all those just fine, and then there will be an interview. Please keep praying for this job. It's very important to us in more ways than you know!

I'll keep you posted...

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