Sunday, August 28, 2011

Fall Wreath

I've been doing a lot of DIY projects around the house since I've had the summer off from teaching the future nurses of America. For some reason, I waited until all four months of my summer break had passed and decided to post some projects the week school started! Not my best idea...
Last night, I completed a fall wreath for our front door. This was my inspiration wreath via Pinterest (LOVE PINTEREST!):

So, E and I went to JoAnn's yesterday and scored some great fall fabric from the clearance section. Then we went to Home Depot for some air duct elbows. I got some pretty funny looks from the Home Depot workers as I twisted and turned those elbows to make 90 degree angles so four would fit together. I dropped them several times too making a lot of racket. They make them adjustable now, so you have to twist them all sorts of ways to make them fit together. I would have much preferred the classic 90 degree elbow.

Here's my assortment of fabric and yarn:

I made several fabric rosettes by ripping a long piece of fabric and the twisting, turning, and hot gluing the fabric as I went. Here's the tutorial I followed to make the rosettes.

I backed the fabric in felt so I would have something solid to hot glue to the wreath. I did this for each fabric rosette.
I debated on wrapping the metal in some burlap. I wanted to see some of the metal, but in the end, I wrapped the whole thing in several strips of burlap. I like the texture it gives the wreath.

Here's my trusty helper who kept me company.
I also wrapped some brown and orange yarn around the wreath for some more fall color. Looking back, I think I would have used a little more yarn. I then glued the rosettes to the wreath and tore another strip of fabric to use as a hanger.

Here's the finished product! I really love it. It looks great hanging on the door.

The rosettes turned out great!

View from the sidewalk.
This was such an easy project, and I love how it turned out!


  1. What a beautiful wreath. If you get a chance I would love you to link your fall decor up to More the Merrier Monday.

  2. This is so cute and the base is completely unexpected! Great job!!

  3. The rosettes are lovely. It looks perfect on your door :)

  4. Wow those are great ideas i love doing creative frugal crafts with whats around so this has given me some great ideas im looking for green bay packer ideas please share
