Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Elliotte 2 months!

I cannot believe Elliotte is 2 months old already! Time really does fly by. She is the sweetest baby and is a "good baby" as everyone keeps asking me. I love when I go in to get her in the morning and those big eyes are looking up at me. Ben is such a big help. He gets up to change her diaper at night and brings her to me to nurse. In the mornings and at night he always wants to hold her while I get things done around the house.
I'll be going back to work in 2 weeks. Not sure if I'll be back at Baptist on the Oncology floor or not. I find out this week if I get a Clinical Educator position with St. Thomas Health Services. It's more money and better hours so I'd love to get it. But if not, I've got a great job that I enjoy. Elliotte will be spending a lot more time with her Nonna (my mom) once I go back to work. Makes me very happy to know she'll be very well taken care of while I'm away.

At 8 weeks Elliotte was:
weight: 12 pounds 3 oz. (95%)
length: 22 inches (45%)
head circ: 15 inches (45%)

At 2 months Elliotte:
Is "talking" some
Smiles more each day
Focuses on objects especially fans
Loves music
Looks like her Daddy
LOVES to be outside
Trying to roll over
Sleeps 5-6 hours after night time bottle
Nurses the rest of the time
Still sleeps tightly swaddled
Has an umbilical hernia
Has very strong legs with lots of rolls

2 month pic with the pug
Real pug

Fell asleep during photo shoot!

Worn out after 8 week shots!

Bath time. She's starting to like it more. You can see her hernia a little in this pic.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Practicing a little tummy time. Found her hand.
The dogs have gotten used to a little less attention.

My little burrito fast asleep.

Focusing on the frog.

Elliotte loves her Hoover and her Dad.

Found her hand again.

Over tummy time.

Baby Dedication at Church

Two Sundays ago was Baby Dedication day at Hillsboro. Elliotte wore her pretty gown. We've had quite the baby boom. There were supposed to be five babies dedicated, but only three were well. Elliotte received her baby Bible and a prayer was led to bless the babies. Elliotte, Austin Cummings, and Charlie McDaniel were very well blessed.

We ate lunch at my parents house afterward. Notice who is holding the baby. Calls her his pookie bear.

Nonna and Pops

Clay and Leslie showing off her baby bump.

Phoebe is not an Elliotte fan. She chooses to ignore her.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Grandmom's 85th Birthday

This past Sunday was my Grandmom's (Dad's mom) 85th birthday. We all surprised her with a party out at my Uncle Greg's house in Franklin. Grandmom had no idea. She thought she was coming out there to eat lunch with a couple people. She was surprised with all the Nashville family and then some of the Atlanta family. Aunt Marian, Renee, Mason, Bailey, Uncle Mike, and Sherrie drove up from Atlanta Sunday morning to surprise Grandmom. We definitely got her. She laughed and cried and was so happy everyone was there. We ate burgers off the grill and the kids swam in the pool getting out only long enough to eat really fast. I was so happy my Atlanta family drove up b/c we just don't see them enough. We missed the ones that couldn't make it and hope they get to come for Thanksgiving.
SURPRISE! Grandmom seeing everyone when she walked in.
Align Center
Aunt Marian with Elliotte. First time seeing her.

Sherrie and Uncle Mike with Elliotte.

Grandmom finding out Mom and Dad are taking her to see Vince Gill in concert. He's her absolute favorite.

Finding out she's sitting REALLY close.

Blowing out 8.5 candles.

Mason and Bailey

Renee holding Elliotte

Ben, Clay, Leslie, Kyle, and me with Grandmom

Uncle Greg, Uncle Mike, Dad, and Aunt Marian with the birthday girl.
She was so happy all her children were present.